Increase in weight is directly linked with increase in PCOD & PCOS cases. The best solution to it is a good nutritious diet. Nutritious food helps improvise internal system thus giving a boost to the metabolism. PCOS patients should avoid high starchy and sugary food as it makes loosing weight a tough task. Including more of vegetable and fruits help in rectification process.
It is an alarming situation in India, where around 50% of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are overweight or obese. And this is why following a PCOS diet is essential.
Mrs Sumeena Rai (name changed), one of our clients, who is a mother of two, got scared when she got to know that she has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. But after meeting our expert dieticians, she followed with PCOS diet easily which caused no disturbance in her schedule.
She was recommended to use different ingredients or styles of cooking. In most cases preparing food as per prescribed regime also saved her time in cooking and preparing dishes.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common problem these days for women who reach the childbearing age. It causes sudden weight gain, skin issues, hair loss or extra hair growth.
If not treated timely, it can lead to diabetes and heart disease as well. Therefore, consulting an expert dietician and following a dedicated PCOS diet to lose weight is essential to reduce most of these symptoms.
Moreover, even by mere age of 11, signs of PCOS can be seen. Thus, it is advisable for young females even from 10yrs of age to start dieting to avoid any chances that may lead to this syndrome.
Cysts are developed on the ovaries in case of PCOS. This occurs in women who reach pregnancy age. This condition can also lead to an extreme imbalance in hormones and increase the chances of diabetes.
Normal doctors would only suggest medication for this syndrome, but a dietician plans even bite by bite food courses to help regulate one’s health.
The same case was with our client, Mrs Khanna (name changed), 35, who had PCOS
It’s common to be allergic to some food items !
Hence, if you have any such allergies, then do inform your dietician in the first meeting. This will help your dietician plan a diet for you that will eliminate any chances of side effects. Also, immediately consult your dietician, in case of any adverse reaction to the prescribed diet.
Being on medication doesn’t have any adverse effects on following a PCOS diet.
After consulting our practiced dieticians, you can follow a ‘healthy diet’ to treat the symptoms. It will regulate your menstrual cycle and help in losing weight.
For instance,
Weight Gain/Loss Diet v/s PCOD/PCOS Diet- is like comparing Santa-Banta Jokes with Russell Peters Jokes… very different !
An Interesting Homework: Search on Google- ‘Fishbone Diagram’. An analysis tool of a Japanese Methodology- ‘Six Sigma’ which is used to solve problems. You will thank us for life !
Bingo ! You just now asked the most common question…
There is no one who doesn’t ask this question. And there is no one who leaves unsatisfied.
Are you serious ?
I can answer this question in one line- “where there’s a will there’s a way”
Getting diet food is as easy as buying everyday items from your nearby general store. Moreover, our nutritionists will incorporate only such food items that are easily locally available.
Yes ! You must consult with our dietician so that you can pursue a diet that focuses on maternal and infant well-being.
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